The Dark Knight Rises
The Hobbit Part I
Why? Because I can't think of two movies that consumed the inner geek in me through the decade of the 2Ks as much as The Dark Knight and The Lord of the Rings movies did. Those movies were a rare blend of geek worthy obsession and brilliantly crafted movies, something that can rarely be said about most Hollywood movies (Transformers, I'm looking at you!) I mean, just the previews alone have me so happy that they actually have made me revert. Few movies have that ability, so for these two movies alone, I am willing to wade through the crap that was 2011.
Well, we'll also have The Avengers, the Spider-Man reboot (which I am interested in seeing), Prometheus, Skyfall, Django Unchained, World War Z, The Dictator and The Hunger Games, so 2012 will DEFINITELY make up for 2011.
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